All available information and photos have been published on this page - if you can help with additions, corrections or photos please do get in touch

Bristol Commercial Vehicles Enthusiasts


Last Updated : June 23rd 2023 (under construction)

The VRs and LHs shown on this page were in service with Stokes on the date shown above. The liveries depicted are the last known to be carried by the individual vehicles. If you know that the livery has now changed I would appreciate receiving an email or, better still, a photo which I will add to this page and credit to you. Remember - the site is only as good as the information I receive.


Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Sold

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UGA428W LHS/383 3/1981 (New) 10/1992 (SCRAPPED)
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Photo : Alan Magill
ESU815X LHS/388 3/1982 (New) 11/1998 (Moxon of Oldcotes)
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Can you help with a photo?
HTT370N LH/1066 ?/1985 (Non-PCV) 9/1990 (White Ribbon of East Kilbride)
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HTT370N in 1988
Photo : John Carter
KMA533N LH/1082 Not known  (Crosville SLL603) ?/1991 (SCRAPPED)
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Photo : John Law
MOD572P VRT/SL3/306 8/1999 (Moffat & Williamson of Gauldrey) ?/2006 (Stuart of Carluke)
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MOD572P with Stokes
Photo : David Devoy

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