Illustrated History for GYC160K

Chassis: LH6L LH/605 Body: ECW 19689 Series 2 Engine: Leyland O401 Configuration: B45F
Status: Preserved     Last Reported: 12/2023

   Last updated : December 8th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

2/2017 - current Richard Aldous, Winchester (for further preservation)
12/2011 - 2/2017 William Staniforth, Stroud (for further preservation)
3/2000 - 12/2011 John Hitchings, Bristol (for further preservation). Kept at Kemble Airfield. Restored in Hutchings & Cornelius livery, by 8/2002
?/1998 - 3/2000 Geoffrey Midwinter, Stroud (for further preservation)
1/1998 - ?/1998 William Staniforth, Birminham (for preservation)
7/1986 - 1/1998 Warwickshire County Council (The Jobs Bus) (non-PCV)
11/1985 - 7/1986 United Counties Engineering, Northampton (dealer). For conversion to a mobile jobs centre
9/1984 - 11/1985 New Enterprise, Tonbridge
6/1978 - 9/1984 Pirt (Dorking Taxis), Dorking
5/1978 - 6/1978 Baker West, Frome (dealer)
1/1972 - 5/1978 Hutchings & Cornelius, South Petherton. Painted in H&C livery at Lawrence Hill, 12/1971
GYC160K in 2004
Photo : John Hitchings
GYC160K in 2000
Photo : John Hammond
GYC160K in 1979
Photo : Adrian Healey
GYC160K in 1978
Photo : Dave Godley  

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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